Sunday, September 23, 2007

This or that? This AND that.

So, I was in midair for a long time deciding whether or not I wanted to do Phd or if I wanted to start hunting for jobs. After a lot of back and forth, I picked the latter. It was a scary thing to do, because now I AM in midair literally, and its probably the most adventurous thing I've ever done: stepping out of the comfort zone. Regardless, I gotta say, what a relief! Because, even if I was picking a temp life of uncertainty, in that I was certain.

It hit me today, while driving, how much it is in my very being, to postpone decisions. I was following the signs to get home and I realized that by default I aways pick the optional exit lane (white arrow, not the yellow), so I get until the last minute to change my mind. When I visit places, I overpack not so much because of paranoia but because I want the pleasure of the act of choosing what I am wearing. I take way longer than the average American for grocery-shopping: 'What brand of oats do I really want, and what flavor?'.

Men, movies, chips, clothes
Multiple choice, true/false... false is pronounced 'folse' just so it rhymes with clothes :)

So, too much caffeine-free analysis later (I remind you, I am jobless), this is where I stand: Love being certain, (but) hate making decisions. Dammit.


Anonymous said...

Paradox... irony... I can't find the exact word but do you see the link between your previous entry and this one?
Lemme put it this way... by the time you decide on your brand of oats it might just cross expiry tight in the store. :)


drparikh said...

Haha dont be an ass:) im not deciding the exact same oat BOX. stores restock you know... I don't see the link. One is about mending broken ties before they're more entangled, and this one is about postponing the inevitable. So, care to elaborate?

Anonymous said...

Maybe so... but they're also both about the decisions we make and the time we take to make them.... consequences and regrets.
And how much time we take before we decide to learn from them. :)


drparikh said...

Ok, I'll need to think about that for a while...

I REALLY don't see the link between making decisions and making repairs!